Face Detector ----------------- This command-line executable uses the implementation of the Viola-Jones face detector from the Blepo Computer Vision Library. (http://www.ces.clemson.edu/~stb/blepo/) Note: the DLLs included in the ZIP file must be in your path, or in your current folder in order for the detector to work. USAGE: For a single image, use: FaceDetect.exe [image] ([optional output_image]) For multiple images, use: FaceDetect.exe [imagelist.txt] ([optional output_image_folder]) Example 1 ---------- Detect faces in the image "group_photo.jpg" and output the locations of each detected face (it will output each face as an (x,y,width,height) tuple) : FaceDetect group_photo.jpg Example 2 ---------- Detect faces in the image "group_photo.jpg" and output the locations of each detected face (it will output each face as an (x,y,width,height) tuple) Then save a copy of the input image to "output.png", including a bounding-box around each detected face: FaceDetect group_photo.jpg output.png Example 3 ---------- imagelist.txt contains a list of image filenames. For each image, detect faces and output a copy of the image to the "c:\temp\" folder, marking the positions of each detected face. FaceDetect imagelist.txt c:\temp